[SOLVED] My Gigabyte RX 570 4gb is puzzling me.


Nov 19, 2013
I've been doing alright so far, my rig could handle all games mostly well, stable. But then I decided to try "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" on my PC, and things began going to hell.
I used to set my GPU's fan speed with Sapphire's "TriXX" software, and always worked perfectly for me.. Since for some reason those who built this GPU thought that leaving the fans idle up until the GPU hits 50/60°C was alright. But then with SOTTR running on DX12 mode, my PC's display shut down. I'll try to explain better what happened:
Out of the blue my monitor shut down, showing the classic "No signal" message. But my PC was still going, LEDs turned on, coolers running, all the show was still going on. So I went to see if my GPUs coolers were running and they were still, and its white light turned out (the one that I understand means "Trouble here").
Then set SOTTR to DX11 and so far, everything seemed to be fine, played for about 3 hours without any issue. After that decided to try Metro Exodus, which had set itself on DX12 by default. After a while, running stable FPS, the same thing happened. Set it to DX11 and thought it was solved, but then again, shut down.
Going crazy, removed my GPU and tried blowing air from my mouth, and using the vacuum to try to clean as much dust as I could (I know, not the best thing to do), but managed to pull 4~6°C out of this.. For some reason I thought that maybe TriXX was the problem, and decided to use Radeon's fan control, which is pretty limited. Tried Metro Exodus (on DX11) again and managed to play for almost 4 hours on a stable 50°C.. but here's the thing, after all of this huge explanation:
On Radeon's metrics I could see how my GPU's coolers went from 980 RPM to 2200 RPM pretty often, even when the GPU was stable at 48/50°C.
So, I'm really clueless now.. As to if AMD Radeon is the way to go, if TriXX sucks, if I should even care about the RPM jumping from 900~ to 2200 RPM in a second, and going back again, and if this has something to do with DX12, or if it's just my GPU. Or if I'm setting my fan progression wrong.

Above all, THANKS for reading all of this huge chunk of text.
50-60C is a perfectly normal temp to maintain at idle or low load. Turning the fans off at these low temps eliminates GPU fan noise and preserves the lifespan of the fan bearings. Most modern GPUs target ~72-75C under load. Anything under 85C is not harmful to the GPU.

To start, uninstall the Trixx software (or any other tweaking software).

In the AMD Settings (driver software) click on the Performance tab at the top, then click the Tuning tab right below that row. Enable "Power Tuning" and set it at +20%.

What GPU driver version are you using (AMD Settings, Home tab, top right corner "Driver & Software")
50-60C is a perfectly normal temp to maintain at idle or low load. Turning the fans off at these low temps eliminates GPU fan noise and preserves the lifespan of the fan bearings. Most modern GPUs target ~72-75C under load. Anything under 85C is not harmful to the GPU.

To start, uninstall the Trixx software (or any other tweaking software).

In the AMD Settings (driver software) click on the Performance tab at the top, then click the Tuning tab right below that row. Enable "Power Tuning" and set it at +20%.

What GPU driver version are you using (AMD Settings, Home tab, top right corner "Driver & Software")
50-60C is a perfectly normal temp to maintain at idle or low load. Turning the fans off at these low temps eliminates GPU fan noise and preserves the lifespan of the fan bearings. Most modern GPUs target ~72-75C under load. Anything under 85C is not harmful to the GPU.

To start, uninstall the Trixx software (or any other tweaking software).

In the AMD Settings (driver software) click on the Performance tab at the top, then click the Tuning tab right below that row. Enable "Power Tuning" and set it at +20%.

What GPU driver version are you using (AMD Settings, Home tab, top right corner "Driver & Software")

Hey, thanks for your reply!

I'm running the latest drivers. About the temps, didn't know that GPUs nowadays managed to pull 85°C without harm, or even run at 50/60 on idle without issues. I was used to having around 30°C on idle on my older cards, but then again, those cards had lower clock speeds.
I'm going to try the "Power Tuning" option, that'd allow the GPU to use 20% more watts out of my PSU, right?
And as for Trixx, I'll get rid of it then.. Would you say I'd be fine with the default fan settings for my GPU? Too bad Radeon's software doesn't allow the speed curve to go lower than 30% speed, so I can't really micro manage it.
I've never felt the need to modify the stock/default fan curve in AMD Settings. As I said, they typically target ~72-75C with appropriate fan speed.

The fans on my personal MSI RX480 GamingX 8GB don't even spin until they hit 20% (about 900rpm). That's typical of most fans, they'll have a minimum duty cycle for them to run. That's usually in the 20-30% range.