My computers been having some issues. About two weeks ago, my cheap cases built in fan controller melted, letting out lots of smoke. I didn't think it did any damage to my computer, since it wasnt really connected, so I just moved all the fans over to my motherboards controller and left it.
That is, until the other night, when my pc just randomly turned off while under normal load. Just shut down, no crash. Didn't reboot. I figured it could be a problem with the graphics card, so I pulled that out and plugged my monitor into my motherboard. Viola, works perfectly. So I go to plug my GPU back in, and forgot to put the 2 8 pin power connectors back in, and then I power the system on. I fucked up. The graphics card immediately starts smoking, so I turn the PC off ASAP.
So now, the motherboard still seemingly works, but the graphics card won't output and I'm pretty sure it's fried. I have a new graphics card on hand, but im too scared to put it in. Is my motherboard fried?
MY specs:
CPU: Intel 3570k
Motherboard: MSI Z77A G43
RAM: 12GB assorted sticks
PSU: corsair cx600
Old GPU: MSI 770
That is, until the other night, when my pc just randomly turned off while under normal load. Just shut down, no crash. Didn't reboot. I figured it could be a problem with the graphics card, so I pulled that out and plugged my monitor into my motherboard. Viola, works perfectly. So I go to plug my GPU back in, and forgot to put the 2 8 pin power connectors back in, and then I power the system on. I fucked up. The graphics card immediately starts smoking, so I turn the PC off ASAP.
So now, the motherboard still seemingly works, but the graphics card won't output and I'm pretty sure it's fried. I have a new graphics card on hand, but im too scared to put it in. Is my motherboard fried?
MY specs:
CPU: Intel 3570k
Motherboard: MSI Z77A G43
RAM: 12GB assorted sticks
PSU: corsair cx600
Old GPU: MSI 770