My gpu is overheating!!

Denied Fk

May 2, 2017
My GPU is overheating and i cant seem to find out why, i put new thermal paste, I cleaned it up completly, I installed case fans and it still runs at about 30-40 on idle wich is okay, but when i turn on a game it hits 90 and at that point my pc restarts the only thing that worked was ramping up my fan speed to 85% and that keeps it around 80 for an hour or two but it constantly rises after that
i3 4170 (i know i need an upgrade)
hd 7970 club 3d royal ace
12 gb ram
antec 600w
1 tb hdd
Have you checked the air temperature in the case after running awhile? Maybe you have a problem with the hot air staying around the board . When I bought a Radeon 9700 Pro a number of years ago the only way I could get it to run properly was to place a slot cooler next to the card. The air being exhausted by the cooler was noticeably hot but the video card stopped overheating.
its factory oc'ed, but i even tried to underclock it to stock speed and undervolt it
im playing csgo on low settings 1080p and it doesnt overheat it stays at 80 but i think if a round lasted longer that it would
the game it shut off after 2 mins was gta 5 mid to low settings 1080p (same on all settings)
its not even a year old but i lost my warranty
Have you checked the air temperature in the case after running awhile? Maybe you have a problem with the hot air staying around the board . When I bought a Radeon 9700 Pro a number of years ago the only way I could get it to run properly was to place a slot cooler next to the card. The air being exhausted by the cooler was noticeably hot but the video card stopped overheating.

Oftentimes just removing a PCI slot cover below the card can help keep air circulating around it as well.