CCleaner is a great tool indeed, I use/install it on every machine I prepare for my costumers (in a company with 350 employees), but I doubt that will solve your problem.
The only other thing I can think of that you're throttling CPU (maximum usage) and therefore perhaps your CPU is overheating - monitor that too, because shutdown/restart would indicate this problem.
If you play CPU demanding games that could happen IF:
-you got poor stock cooler on CPU
-or you got dust in CPU cooler
-or you good old or poorly attached thermal paste (I recommend ceramic-based thermal paste like -> or oldies goldies Arctic Silver 5 ->
If CPU overheating is not your problem then:
My best advise would be to completly format your PC and start over from scratch - first install Motherboard drivers (1st chipset then GPU drivers, and so on) - also try to find a BIOS update if there is any.
I know that perhaps this doesn't feel best option at the moment, but trust me you'll be glad you did it afterwards.
I always enjoy fresh installed system much more, then the system with all the crap it loads/saves during the months or years of usage, specially after replacing a GPU.
And no liquid cooling for GPU GTX 1070 is NOT required.