My graphics card is running incredibly slow

Jake Morris

Jun 30, 2014
My graphics card is a gtx 770 and lags like heck on all of my games. Only untill recently it has anyway. As soon as I got it , it was fine. However now i get about 30fps in smite (and other games). now when i look in my graphics card settings, it says this: temprature 80C, spin rate 2220, and utilizatation 94. Whilst not on a game. help? I have 450w psu, 3.7 ghz 6 core proccesor and a hard drive that has some unsuccesfull spins. Is it something to do with that??
I would run some CPU and GPU monitoring software, I prefer CPUZ and GPUZ along with windows task manager to check what is running, along with the CPU and GPU usage and clock rate.

Also run a virus scan it's possible some one is using your system for bit coin mining which uses your GPU instead of the CPU.
I'm willing to bet a lot of money it's your power supply. Heck, my PC with a GTX 770 and FX-6350 @ 4.4 GHz barely even runs with a 520W power supply (tested while my 650W unit is being RMA'd). Try borrowing (or buying) a power supply that is not only good quality, but 600W or greater, and test that out.

the reason it may have worked before with the same power supply is because your PSU was always on full load and usage while gaming or whatever, which would really speed up the degradation of your PSU (usually happens over the course of a long time, your PSU can't deliver 100% of what it promised anymore. )
I would run some CPU and GPU monitoring software, I prefer CPUZ and GPUZ along with windows task manager to check what is running, along with the CPU and GPU usage and clock rate.

Also run a virus scan it's possible some one is using your system for bit coin mining which uses your GPU instead of the CPU.

any service thats free i can use? Im not too good with this stuff.

avg should do the trick
the base version is free to use, but they will try to get you to upgrade to the full suite quite often 😛

edit or malwarebytes anti-malware

Because the graphics card worked fine when he first got it, along with the high cpu usage while nothing is running points to an issue other than the PSU. While I would recommend a better PSU, I don't believe that the problems he is noticing point to a PSU problem.

Ever heard of degradation? That's exactly what I explained the first time!! It doesn't matter if you have Corsair, XFX, or whatever, 450W is not nearly going to cut it in your PC and will cause a bunch of issues! I got an old 520W power supply in my system as a temp replacement for my 650W unit which is in the process of RMA with a GTX 770 and FX 6350 @ 4.4 GHz, and it worked fine for a few days. However, after that, I saw a lot of issues, game crashes, lower framerates, and even issues with my GPU and CPU usage. I would bet a lot of money it is due to your power supply.
The resource usage will point to something other than the PSU. However, I would upgrade PSU first. It could possibly make the GPU run harder when it is trying to pull its necessary power usage. Sounds kind of idiotic, but could be the issue.

You are probably right. However, he was running a high end, power hungry card with a low end PSU. There is no telling what is wrong with his GPU or system at this point.
the peak power consumption of a 770 is 180W when gaming
450W Corsair probably has at least 400W on the 12V rail, 6 core 3.7GHz in worst case scenario might be Phenom2 x6 Thuban with 125W tdp, games wont push it to the limit however since maxing 6 cores is mighty difficult. That still leaves like 100w to run everything else. Sure he is pushing it close but imo it should work. And Corsairs have good set of different over/under/voltage/current protections so it should shut down if it wanders out of spec.

And running a free antivirus scan never hurts anyone. 😀

edit OP should give us a status update on the scan thou
Does his current PSU even have a 8pin and 6pin connector? I hope he is not running it with 2 6pins. The recommended PSU is 600watt. If he is using a 450 watt, he is not even getting all 450 watt. That PSU is maxed out! Not to troll you or anything, but your analysis of power draw is incorrect. The GPU itself has a TDP of 250 watts. Here is the link to the GPU specs:

Peak consumption of 180W? Are you joking? That is pretty funny though, because every source that I have seen so far shows 200W+ consumption...,3519-25.html

Plus in my own personal testing I have seen power usage of 250W+ easily, let alone the fact that I have a lot of issues running my PC on a 520W power supply, wihch is substantially greater than a 450W...

And yeah, a virus scan won't hurt, but it certainly won't help if the power supply is the issue (which it is causing some of without a doubt)

nope not joking, and W1zzard knows his s#it. blame him if you like.
the geforce link lists the rated TDP, not actuall power consumption.
toms measured 193W running the same game tpu used, so ~10W difference between samples. measures the whole system with unspecified load (likely furmark) at the wall socket, so psu inefficiency is included (thou with modern 80+ rated psus that's not such a big issue anymore, maybe 10-15% extra)

based on your posts you're running oced cpu as well, likely using much more power than his stock cpu.

Anyways I've made my point and you have made yours plenty clear already

edit i noticed you've unselected the 'best answer' the OP chose, dont be childish...

Not being childish, the answer is not resolved clearly as you come back and still post on this forum, there is no definitive answer and the OP has not said if any of our suggestions have worked yet. S/he selected an answer prematurely before considering all possiblities, if that solution does work for them they should select it AFTER it works, not before.

No need for unnecessary bratty name calling, keep this civil please.
still better to leave it up to the op, if the scan doesnt come up with anything he'll surely come back and continue the thread. untill then, i'm out.

edit. it's been 4 weeks, he hasnt come back... I'm reselecting the best asnwer, this thread is done.