My graphics card only has on dvi slot and I want to link two monitors


Mar 11, 2015
Hi, I'm looking to link two monitors and also have a few questions

1. What's newer dvi or VGA?

2. How could I link two dvi monitors to a GPU that only has one dvi slot is there a duel dvi cable or somthing similar I can buy?

3.can I run one monitor off onboard graphics and one of my GPU?

4 how can I tell if I have onboard graphics?

Thanks for the help!
one quick question for you? are there any other video out puts such as HDMI or VGA ports? whats your Graphic card?

HDMI is the latest... but DVI would be the best..

if you have other video outputs you can buy a convector

is you have a HDMI something like this :

all motherboards come with onboard graphic cards for sure....

to make sure check this image


onboard graphics will be on the top and the external graphics on the bottom...

Assuming that you dont other Video outputs on your graphic card... yes you can use your on-board graphics and PCI-e graphic card to run dual monitors...

Hello, onboard graphics usually is when the CPU you have has integrated graphics, and your are most likely plugged into the motherboard. However, in your case that does not seem like the problem. I usually perfer DVI over VGA, but it really depends on what your needs are. However if your graphics card has a DVI port and a VGA port you could try plugging one monitor into DVI and the other into VGA.

Hope this helps!
Oh and also would there be worse performance on the monitor using my onboard graphics? Would I still be able to game on a duel monitor setup with each monitor using different outputs

your card is a great card.. you totally dont need your onboard graphics at all...

does you monitors have both DVI and VGA ports?