My GTX 970 has recently dropped to a benchmark of 7% overnight.


Jan 28, 2018
Yesterday everything was working just fine, getting anywhere from 75-90 FPS, then I get on today and I can’t get more than 15 on any setting.
either your card has an issue, or the bus of your motherboard has an issue.
take card try it another computer and see if you get same results. if yes, card is faulty, if not , start looking at your motherboard for issue.
Did Nvidia release a new update recently? Gtx 970 is unpredictable. After an update after boot my screen wont turn on sometimes. try to downgrade your driver to previous version and check how that goes. I sold this card, got a Gtx 1080 and im fine now!

Yeah, I updated yesterday, and everything was fine until I turned it on today. How do I downgrade?
What I would do:

Download and run DDU (Display Drivers Uninstaller). Allow program to automatically reboot into windows safe mode, and remove all Nvidia and AMD drivers.
<click blue colored link> Official Download Here

After program reboots into Windows normal mode, I would re-download and "custom" install the latest drivers, without Geforce Experience, and then install them. Then I would see if the problem persists. Only then would I consider a downgrade of version. That's what I would do were it my machine.

sorry it is a Zotac Nvidia Geforce GTX 970

Thank you, I did this and i got same results, so it’s gotta be my card.
it happens.... you could if your brave and broke, and bake your video card, you might get new life out of it , and hope the market will calm down before forced to pay a 1000 for a 1060.

How to bake your video card ref:
cost nothing but a little time to try this. I have "fixed" a video card (hd 7850) 2 years ago (still using it) that way, but I had the oven at 375'f/190'c for 10 mins. (you have to eyeball it, you will see the solders become shiny. then 30 mins on a counter.

worth a try