My HD Monitor will not display in 1080p


Mar 28, 2012
I have the 27" Samsung Syncmaster S27B550 and I have been trying to use my Xbox 360 with it and run in 1080p. However, I am not able to do this. I am connecting it with an HDMI cord so I know all of the works and I know this monitor is supposed to support 1080p. If you are familiar with the display settings on the xbox you can go to settings, console settings, then display and it gives you options of what you can run. The best thing I can click is 1080i, 1080p is grayed out so i cannot even test it. Any help is appreciated.
Even though your TV is 1080p, the Xbox isn't displaying that resolution. At least not in games.

Xbox games typically display at 720p. If you want a true, regular 1080p output with which to test the monitor, connect a blu-ray player.

Regardless of that, they are still able to be put into 1080p. With the Xbox I have hooked up to my HDTV I use 1080p to play any game.
Even though your TV is 1080p, the Xbox isn't displaying that resolution. At least not in games.

Xbox games typically display at 720p. If you want a true, regular 1080p output with which to test the monitor, connect a blu-ray player.

I realize this. The whole reason I want it to be 1080p is to capture footage in 1080p. I cannot try to capture in 1080p until I make my xbox put out in 1080p.