Question My HDD is at 100% usage and i literally done everything to try and fix it

Feb 21, 2019
I wiped my drive did a fresh install of windows, my main SSD where my operating system is fine however my extra HDD is starting to die any help?
are we referring to a spinning drive beginning to die?

After suffering a crash of some type, often the spinning drive has precious few operating hours remaining where data may be retrieved...

YOu may hope it's a loose SATA cable, etc., but, back up anything you need from it while you can...

running various checkdisk, surface scans, etc., only shortens it's life even further...
As far as i am aware the HDD physical condition is fine however, just yesterday the HDD disk space is going nuts, I hard wiped the Drive
Re-instaled the OS on my SSD (SSD is fine) and the issue still presists
I wiped my drive did a fresh install of windows, my main SSD where my operating system is fine however my extra HDD is starting to die any help?

What is exactly is dying and where is the proof?

When you open your task manager and you see that 100%

click on it so that you can see what exactly is using that 100%.

Superfetch and svchost comes to mind. Posting a screenshot wouldn't hurt.
I'm sorry to the mods if this message seems spamming, but I created an account to answer a lot of these same questions, to which I also had a problem for and recently "resolved"

There are a few potential reasons and solutions to the problem:
Found on this on the forum, you could have issue relating to WMI (windows update)

Next (my solution), there can be an issue or problem with the Storage driver

but honest a quick search on google comes up with lots of potential solution.

I would start by reinstalling your storage driver (There are knonw problems the base microsoft driver).

Start at the bottom and work your way up. You shoudl not need to message around with all those other settings. The 100% issue is something fundamentally going wrong with some firmware/driver/software and not any specific windows feature.