My hdd is now an unformatted drive...


Nov 26, 2011
500gb lacie usb hdd

Ok its my fault, way to many unsafe removal of the hdd... so what i do know.

Windows wants me to reformat shows as unformatted drive

PTDD Partition Table Doctor recover partition function seems to think my lost partition is the current one and only wants to restore two others it found, in which case ill lose my current partition.

EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 5.5.1 calls the partition by name can probably recover my data..

the hdd still shows up in safely remove hardware by name.

Would like to repair the hdd to recover my data and not reformat, opinions? thanks
Formatting is data destructive. Don't do it.

In future I would suggest that you disable write-behind caching, or select "optimise for quick removal". This will minimise the damage from unsafe removals.

As for data recovery, I wouldn't trust any tool to write on your drive. Instead I would write any recovered data to a different drive.

However, before letting any tool loose on your drive, I would first examine the partition table (sector 0) and the boot sectors of each partition using a disc editor in readonly mode.

Which OS are you running?
I agree with fzabkar. It's best not to perform any write operations on the drive. First take a drive image and then try to recover from the image. Try tools like Testdisk or PartitionFindAndMount

Successfully taking an image has the added benefit of verifying the integrity of the drive. And would rule out bad sectors as the cause of your troubles.