Question My HDD's Not stop spinning even though I set to stop at 1 min in Power options

Mar 22, 2024
Hi guys, My HDD's is not at all stopping the spin .. I have 2 hdd's both have same issue ..

I am on Windows 11 and 7950x3D + Asrock Taichi 670e Build

Please help
Mar 22, 2024
are you sure there isn't any disk activity?
Yes sir .. I confirm this from resource monitor .. I set timer for 1 min and observed resouce monitor for more than 2 mins nothing is accessing my hdds but they keep spinning

I strongly believe my new build is the reason behind this ..

I heard bios options can over ride os settings .. if this is true .. my new motherboard is having some option regarding this .. I dont know which one it could be :(

if you can suggest some I can try sir
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