My hidden folder mistake

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Jun 8, 2008
Hey guys..
I have got a problem. I had a few files on my external hard disk and then I decided to hide one of the folders.. I used Free Hide Folder- program to hide that folder with password. No problem.. It worked very well until I formatted my normal hard disk which included the program files of the Free Hide Folder- program.. After formatting I installed Windows Xp and realised that my files were "gone" , because I didn't remember to unhide that folder. 🙁 Please, help .. How to get my files back?
Well, you may have to contact the software support people to see if they have a backdoor or recovery method. Usually they should as I would imagine you're not the only one who's done this. Good Luck!
I have just done the same thing.

Did you work out how to resolve the problem?

For once, there is very little in google about this problem.

I have just done the same thing.

Did you work out how to resolve the problem?

For once, there is very little in google about this problem.

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