[SOLVED] my installed M.2 NVME did Not Show Up in Win10?


Mar 11, 2012
I installed M.2 Crucial P1 NVME 1TB in my ASRock mother-bored [B450M Steel Legend. AMD AM4] and did Not Show Up in Win10?
Does not Show up in [System information] and [Disk management]
Please Help?

P.S the same PC Has M.2 Crucial P1 NVME SSD 500GB and works Fine and has the Windows 10 Operating system
You’ll definitely have to buy an adapter like the one you listed for it to work in NVME. It can’t do SATA 3, 2 different formats. It will not EVER work in that slot on your motherboard. Like I said the adapter will work and should be fine speed wise as well.
So what to do with my New NVME SSD? I want to use it in this PC Please Help
Can I connect it to SATA3 Drive? How?

I read this text in MB manual :
M2_2 and SATA3_3 share lanes. If either one of them is in use, the other one will be
So what to do with my New NVME SSD? I want to use it in this PC Please Help
Can I connect it to SATA3 Drive? How?

I read this text in MB manual :
M2_2 and SATA3_3 share lanes. If either one of them is in use, the other one will be
You can only use 1 of those, the 2nd is totally incompatible. Use the new one as the main drive and sell the other. If you want a 2nd drive it CANNOT be NVME, SATA 3 ONLY.
Thanks for reply bmockeg..

How to use it in SATA3? can i use NVME SSD to PCI-e 3.0 x 16
No problem with me if I lost the Speed but I want to use my new NVME SSD in PC 😓
You’ll definitely have to buy an adapter like the one you listed for it to work in NVME. It can’t do SATA 3, 2 different formats. It will not EVER work in that slot on your motherboard. Like I said the adapter will work and should be fine speed wise as well.