give this a try.
you should have around 50 connections on a typical day. most will just be set to wait.
look in the list and you should see about 25 services, 2 wininit, 5 wmpnetwk a couple for your anti virus, 2 for lsass and about 10 for system
if your running a game while running cports you will also see the game in the list and connections will vary depending on the game.
anything thats unknown do a check on. such as checking remote ip's that have established connections.
anything thats wait/wait close you can ignore as they will time out and disapear in 2 or so mins. but open connections should be looked at further.
while you run cports try running process explorer to see if theres anything running that shouldnt be.
compare the results to cports and close anything that you think may be an issue. (will take a bit of trial and error)
if theres something then check your firewall settings and block the connections of the suspicious apps.