My laptop can't detect ethernet

Nov 6, 2018
Okay so I've told all my much more tech savvy friends about this issue and when none of us could figure this out they told me to make an account and ask here.

So basically, I have an AlienWare 17 laptop and when I plug in any ethernet cord (ones that confirmed work) my computer doesn't detect them. I tried moving the ethernet into different ports on the modem and still nothing. I thought this might be an issue with my port so I updated my drivers and still not working. Then I went to the Geek Squad to have them take a look at it and when they plugged their ethernet into my computer it connected immediately, so I know it isn't the port on my computer, isn't the cables we have (they work on everyone else's computers), isn't the ports on our modem, and isn't my drivers.

My friends and myself no longer have any ideas as to what could be the problem other than some kind of incompatibility between our router and/or modem and my computer specifically. Is this possible? I really don't know what to do.
Ok what exactly are you expecting to happen?

Where are you getting your IP address?
Do you have a router in your home. Is it set for DHCP.

Do you see any lights on the modem port or on the back of the network?

Have you plugged a friends computer into your modem.

From a dos command what do see when you type "ipconfig"
I'm not sure what you mean when you ask where I'm getting my IP address, if you're wondering who my provider is it's Suddenlink. I don't believe that we have a router hooked up, just the modem.

I have two other roommates who are connected to the same modem and their internet works fine. The ports light up when their ethernet cords are plugged in but no matter what cord I'm using the same doesn't happen for me.

Regarding ethernet, after entering "ipconfig" into cmd it says:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:
Media state . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS suffix . :
So your computer works eleswhere, so we know that the port is ok.

IPConfig tells me that your card/Cable interface is not working.

Can you go out and buy a new good quality cable, for some reason your current cables are not properly sitting in your laptop ethernet port.

Until you can get link lights on the laptop or modem ports, you don't have an electrical connection.
The thing is though, the cable I have is the one that comes recommended on Amazon and is brand new, and the other one I tested works perfectly for my roommate. I just don't see how the cables could be the issue here.
You are not seeing any link lights on your PC or Modem, so there is no signal.

Your PC works (with someone else's cable) at Geek Squad. What type of cable did they use.
Your PC does not work with your cable in your port.
Friend's PC works using same cable and port.

There is something about your cables not making proper connection in your port, some sort of incompatibility.
Until you get electrical signal (port lights) nothing will work.

I can't think of any other possibility.