You also have to understand most of the time the only way for a hard drive to reach it's max speed is 1) It isn't an OS drive and 2) You are opening, copying, moving, LARGE files. There is where you hear things about Random Read/write speed, sequential read/write speed etc. Moving 1000 1MB files will take longer than moving 1 1000MB file.
A drive running the OS plus other stuff usually next maxes out. Also only some of the FASTEST hard drive can hit 150MBps. Most normal laptop/desktop drives still only hit the 50-100 range.
And what error is it giving you?
And you could go with a 7200 rpm drive IF you don't have one already. Even then that will only give you a small boost of speed. The best thing is to upgrade to a SSD where they get anywhere from 400+ MBps but that is also only if your laptop has SATA III. If you have SATA II 300-350 would be max.