C Chophel junior Prominent Jun 21, 2017 1 0 510 Jun 21, 2017 #1 My laptop hp has been kept off for couple of weeks and now when I turn on its not getting on and I tried charing it but still then not working. So what shall I do.
My laptop hp has been kept off for couple of weeks and now when I turn on its not getting on and I tried charing it but still then not working. So what shall I do.
YoAndy Reputable Jan 27, 2017 1,277 2 5,665 Jun 21, 2017 #2 Looks like your battery needs to be replaced. Have you checked the power supply and the cord to make sure they are in good condition? Upvote 0 Downvote
Looks like your battery needs to be replaced. Have you checked the power supply and the cord to make sure they are in good condition?