My Laptop keep shutting down because it overheating. I have a fan but not working like i want ;-;

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Sep 28, 2016
I've had a laptop fan and replaced with another from amazon. But it keeps going off ;-; my fan is on max and not working.
Do your best to clean dust from the vents. It likely will not much but it is easy and costs you nothing. If that does not work then you have a more serious problem.

I am going to guess the real problem is the thermal paste has dried up and needs to be cleaned off and replaced. Thermal paste dries up over time and when that happens it can no longer transfer heat. The older your laptop is the more likely this is the cause of overheating.

Replacing thermal paste in a laptop is not something I recommend for the average user since it involves taking apart your laptop which takes a lot of time an patience especially if it is your first time doing so. It would also be wise to document, take pictures, or record video while taking apart a...
Is good that fan is working but if heat keeps going up at some point even fan@max can't compensate, you have to find out the source of heat overrun. I suggest in this order:

1. Reset BIOS to factory. Boot into BIOS screen where it monitors temps and let it sit and note if it stabilizes. If it keeps going up-and-up even though it's sitting on idle then step 2.
2. Remove heatsink, clean throughly and re-paste.
Do your best to clean dust from the vents. It likely will not much but it is easy and costs you nothing. If that does not work then you have a more serious problem.

I am going to guess the real problem is the thermal paste has dried up and needs to be cleaned off and replaced. Thermal paste dries up over time and when that happens it can no longer transfer heat. The older your laptop is the more likely this is the cause of overheating.

Replacing thermal paste in a laptop is not something I recommend for the average user since it involves taking apart your laptop which takes a lot of time an patience especially if it is your first time doing so. It would also be wise to document, take pictures, or record video while taking apart a laptop, because forgetting to do something might mean your laptop may not start up and you will have to take the laptop apart again to figure out what is wrong.

My recommendation is to bring it to an electronics repair shop and ask for repair estimate. Most of the cost will be related to labor because of the time involved to take the laptop apart and put it back together again. Kinda similar to when a friend of mine needed to bring his car to a shop for repairs. Basically a $75 - $100 gasket ruptured in the engine and the only way to replace it was to take the engine apart. I think he said the total cost of that was around $1,100 where $1,000 was for labor.

Depending on how old your laptop is and how much the estimate is to fix the overheating problem, you may or may not want to consider buying a new laptop.
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