My Laptop Won't Turn On

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Jun 17, 2015
I have an HP Pavilion Notebook 17

I have never had any issues with my computer, until now. It is doing the same exact thing as my Compaq did. I put it on hibernate last night, then I go to use it today and it does nothing. I pressed all the buttons, but it never came off of hibernate. So, then I tried to turn it off, and it still did nothing. Though the power button was still flashing. So, then I took the battery out and put it back in, and now it won't turn on. I've tried taking the battery out for five minutes and putting it back, then charging it right after. And it still won't turn on. Nothing I've tried has worked. There isn't an issue with the power cord, because it shows it is charging the computer. My Compaq began doing this and stopped working. Then it randomly started working again after it hadn't been used in months and then stopped working once again. And now it seems my Notebook is doing the same exact thing. Is there any way to fix it without spending a ton of money? I can't afford to spend a hundred dollars on my computer right now. I have also tried to do the hard reset, but it didn't work.
Try booting without Battery in, if not what's your problem doesn't it boot or is it only loading the windows icon? But the fact that you took the battery out to turn it off is just ridiculous you only needed to unplug the charger and let the battery go out.

I tried holding down the power button and nothing happened. I couldn't get the screen to come on or for it to turn off. So, I had to take the battery out. And I've tried turning it on without the battery in. It didn't work. And the comouter is fullu charged, so that's not an issue. When I try to turn it on, nothing happens. No lights go on or anything. It won't turn on.
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