My life

A life lived is one where you learn from the past, live the present, and are mindful of your impact on the future, and what legacy you leave.

You can never go back to the past ... it is clouded by what you have learned since.

You have freedom of will, and are responsible for your actions ... be something better.

/end rant

+1'd that sh*t

All that comes to mind is: Wingding.

Do you not think before you spread forth your filth?????
Well its hot there in India.

... personally I prefer a couple of pear flavoured apple ciders with ice ... or coke and ice. Not really much of a drinker ... I'd prefer a plate of crackers and dips etc.

Not into mars bars and coke so I am not a hardcore geek.

I like my teeth intact and I can't handle hangovers or getting drunk ...