My Microsoft Flight Simulator is bugging out


Dec 31, 2015
So I don't play a whole lot of games... I just have much more important things to do, I have to study a lot (and I mean a lot) because I want to be a pediatric surgeon, so I am planning on going to Medical School. Anyways, even though I don't play a whole lot of games, FSX is the one game I really do try and play. I would prefer the new X-Plane, but my system just can't handle it (Pentium G3258; CPU graphics). Well, everything was working 100% fine up until about two months ago! I provided a link in this description to a private YouTube video I uploaded just so you can see what is happening. It started doing that randomly out of the blue about two months ago! I do have a few other games, and absolutely none of them do it! It's just FSX! I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling, didn't work... I have no idea what else to do since it literally happened out of nowhere. I even took the opportunity to make sure every single driver on my board (MSI H81M-E34) were up to date, as well as the CPU graphics driver! Everything is up-to-date! Does anybody have any idea of what I can do to get this thing up and running? I am seriously tired of it!

Update: Turns out the free Steam game "Team Fortress 2" is also doing that. So far the other Steam games I have installed are NOT doing it.

Here's the link:

When you upload a video to youtube and set it as private, only you can watch it. However if you set it as "unlisted" you can provide a link for others to see :)

Yeah sorry, I meant to set it as unlisted. My bad.