My Microsoft Surface 3 has fallen and lost it's touchscreen capability


Mar 10, 2016
This is a very sad time for me. It was the best investment I ever made in a computer. It is a Microsoft Surface 3, 128 GB, 4 GB RAM. Wi-Fi only model.

My nephew got a hold of my Surface 3, and it fell to its doom.

Now, the Surface 3 is 2 generations old. I have a few options here (all of which are way too expensive). So I really need some of your awesome opinions on what to do (please!).

Here's the options I have come up with:

- Get it replaced in a Microsoft Store for $310+tax, for the same exact model, probably with a new screen protector (that doesn't seem to do its job).

- Get a new Surface 3 on Amazon for $369, with 4G LTE capability, without the new screen protector.

- Get a Pro 3/Pro 4/ New Pro model (all of which seem way too pricy!). Sucks that they don't have any newer budget Surface models, such as a Surface 4.

- Get a Surface clone- Any suggestions on that one?

I already have a Surface Dock and a Surface Keyboard, which is why I am leaning towards replacing it. However, I also know it only has one USB port and an Intel Atom processor...

- Anything you can come up with

So I really don't know. I'm at a loss here.

Another thing I would like to point out is the reason I purchased this in the first place- I love the ability to "paint" on it, and I love the lightness and portability of it while it is also a full Windows PC. I can't carry a laptop around with this back, so it was perfect for college. I am going to return to college eventually, and I also use it for computer jobs on the go. Price is just such a big issue on these newer innovative products. I can't afford the good stuff 🙁

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I know I haven't been contributing enough to the forums here myself recently, so really I appreciate it.
This is a very easy and straightforward repair that takes less than 20 minutes but the part is fairly expensive.

The how to you can find here.

You can find a Screen on Ebay for around $140-$170 depending on the model, Wal Mart also sells parts but you will need to search online.

Give me you model # and I can help you find a screen, if your uneasy with the self repair you should be able to find a local shop that can do it for you. For a repair this simple in my area I charge $40 so you should be able to find someone around that range.
Whichever one has the best warranty, get that. I hate the surface products, they are really expensive and if something happens to them they are basically trash. I just had to rip apart a guys $3K surface book that quit to get his ssd out, no way to not damage the display opening it.

No way? If you know how to focus the heat and use the right tools it isn't that difficult.
The corner is also dented from it...I don't think that is fixable and probably is affecting the screen's placement.

Well, tablets are usually not fixable. The point is the portability. I also need to get a case that actually works when it is being used, instead of a carrying case.
Considering the age of the Surface 3 I wouldn't buy a new one. You can get a used one off ebay for 2-300 USD which seems like a much better option if you want a Surface 3.

There are very few clones of the Surface 3 as its a bottom of the barrel device and with Intel abandoning the Atom CPU lineup there are no new CPUs to run them now. Most clone the Surface Pro line which is a totally different class of device, hence the price.

That said the closest I could find are these two. Again bottom of the barrel, I wouldn't buy them unless I had no other choice.

I understand. $300 isn't much less than $310, which I'd get from Microsoft themselves...
What about a Surface Pro clone? Any good ones around with good prices?

I half-agree with you on the standard 3. I find any tablet above 8 inches uncomfortable to use in a bed. But yes, the 3 is too heavy for that. However, just the ability to remove the keyboard so easily is useful, such as when there is no space on the table, when I am drawing, or when I just want to pick it up and show someone a video or picture.

Weight IS a huge factor. Thanks for pointing that out.

Surface 3- 1.37 pounds. With the Type Cover keyboard attached: 2.31 pounds
Surface Pro 3- 1.73 pounds. Can't find how heavy it is with the Type Cover attached.
Surface Pro 4- 1.73 pounds. With the Type Cover keyboard attached: 2.37 pounds
Surface Pro (5)- 1.69 pounds. With the Type Cover keyboard attached: 1.73 lbs

They seemed to have done a great job at reducing the weight on their newest Surface Pro. Is that one of the Pros that you use?

Anyone want to donate some money to my cause of getting myself a new laplet? (Kidding, no worries) 😀

The lowest I've seen Pro clone (that's actually close to the Pro and not just trying to trick you) is just $150 lower and that was with an unpredictable sales price. The Pro lineup is a high end, high margin item and for once the other OEMs took the hint and aren't in tail spin rush to undercut each other and under deliver to customers.

Even the Pro clones seem to not be nearly as good. They aren't even clones, they are just 2-in-1s with no integrated hinge and probably a much worse Pen. Thanks for that warning.

Update: Microsoft just told me that it is possible to trade it in towards a newer model, since it still works and the screen crack is not large. The Surface Pro 4 with a keyboard is still crazy expensive though, and the Surface Dock I have will become useless (although it was only $23).
The alternative would be to just get a new Surface 3 or higher on Amazon, with the one I have still working as a spare.
I'm just really confused as to what to do. And I feel like once I do buy a Surface I will feel ripped off. It sucks that they didn't even make a case for this device, so it can't be protected from things like this.