My Monitor has Pixelated/Blocky Text


Jun 27, 2013
Hi, im not reallly sure if this a is a monitor problem or a gpu but ill post here anyway.

I got a 29inch 2560x1080p monitor a few weeks ago and it hasn't given me any problems, I also use an 1080p monitor next to it. I took it home form college for thanksgiving break but when I set it back up the screen looked horrible even the pictures look bad now that I think about it.Everything on the small monitor looks good for some reason.

At first it wouldnt let me go up to the max resolution thats when I realized I had the cords reversed with hdmi for the 29inch and dvi for the other. I think that might have been the cause for this problem but im not sure. It was blocky then too but after switch them around I could atleast get the right resolution.

I also got an error message saying to undo my overclock so I thought maybe thats why, went to my bios and put it back to default still nothing. At this point I dont know what to do.

Not sure if this picture will look like my monitor but still worth a try.

I keep forgetting you can now overclock monitors, sounds kinda weird. Like haha I went from 60hz to 72hz. First try Windows updates you might get lucky. Next try reinstalling your graphics card drivers. It is possible that your overclock could have damaged the monitor in some way, how long did you have your overclock for on your monitor?

Sorry for the confusion, it was my CPU that was overclocked. As for the windows updates there are a few so i'll let you know if that worked in a few moments.

OK the updates installed but it still all pixelated, im starting to think the monitor itself is messed up but im open to more suggestions.


Did you reinstall your graphic card drivers?