My monitor quite frequently turns off, then back on almost instantly


Feb 7, 2016
My monitor quite frequently turns off, then back on almost instantly (Of course, it needs to reboot internal software, so a couple seconds on that)

But it's only when playing demanding 3D games like "Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim" or "Final Fantasy XIII". It's also been know to happen during "COD : BO3".

But the thing is. In Skyrim i can play 15-20 min before it does it, where as FF13 it's ever 60 seconds or so, which of course is a major annoyance. - And the strange part is, there's NO problems when i'm playing games like CS:GO, but then again that's an older game, which obviously doesn't require as much from my rig ?!

I've checked temperatures, and everything seems to be well below tolerance levels. I've also checked and updated all drivers, so that shouldn't be an issue aswell ?

My monitor is a SyncMaster P2770H/P2770FH (Digital)
CPU : Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.50 Ghz
GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 960

Personally i'm suspecting it may be my monitor, but i was wondering if anyone have had similar problems, and if there's a fix for it ? Or if i have to considder getting a new monitor soon ?
check with your friend so see when he got it as maybe still under warranty with the manufacturer. check with manufacturer's site to see if they say how long their warranties are good for as some are up to 3yrs.

Yes. Monitor light also goes out. It's like when i turn it off then back on manually. Same sequence of events.

Have to add, my SyncMaster monitor has touch buttons, so dunno that may be part of the problem ? Although nothing touches the buttons of course...
It runs on a seperat PSU... And for how old it is, i'm not entirely sure... A year or two, to the best of my knowledge... It's one i've borrowed from a friend, since my old one fried after a thunderstorm... Guess i'm not quite out of the woods yet, huh !?
It was the PSU for the monitor. Thanks. Problem solved. (Almost) Now i just need to go buy a new one. - Well, at least this is a perfect "excuse" to go get me a 144 hz monitor now. 😉