my new build stutters


Sep 18, 2013
I have just built a new pc and recently its been stuttering on the desktop and browser and unusually long load times. i tried seeing if it was just me or if it was really happening. i opened a game and got extremely low frame rates. i planned to get a GTX 1070 to replace the 770. These are my specs,

CPU: i7-6700k
GPU: GTX 770 reference
Mobo: msi b150 pcmate
Ram: Corsair lpx 16gb
Storage: 2x WD caviar blue 1tb

i think it might be bottlenecking but also heard that integrated graphics can interfere. i might not have any idea what im dealing with but the information that ive gathered leads me to believe its one of the two. any solutions would be much appreciated.
Well that isn't bad for idle, I would keep Hardware Monitor running in the background while playing a game and see what it tops out at when the stuttering starts. If the temps don't end up being the issue, then I would start looking at your hard drives. You could be on the verge of failure and that would definitely cause issues while doing anything on the computer.
Ok, well first off I wouldn't have bought a B series mobo with a K processor, but that won't cause a problem. It is possible that you could have an issue with a hard drive. I would recommend buying an SSD and install Windows on it (~250gb should do it). Another thing to check on is temperatures. Use a program like CPUID's Hardware Monitor and make sure your CPU and GPU aren't getting too hot. The 6700k doesn't come with a CPU cooler, so what cooler are you running on it? How many and what size of case fans are you running?
I assume you were using your 770 and had your monitor connected to your GPU and not to the connector on the motherboard.
I assume you have auto or PCI-E selected as the primary display in your bios

Thats not a bad graphic card and certainly a very powerful CPU. It should easily be able to do 1080p with some of the settings turned down. What game were you trying and at what resolution and settings? What FPS did you get?
wit ha new build make sure the bios on the mb is up to date. download the newest intel inf chipset drivers.
look under start up tab on device manager make sure there only one anti virus running. also turn off every thing there but the anti virus to rule out program issue.

ive got a hyper 212 evo on it with one fan on the cooler and 2 more in the case.

How are your temps? I use the 212 EVO, so it should be good and the 2 case fans are good, so temps "shouldn't" be an issue, but you don't know until you check.

Oooh, I forgot about that. I don't get why people have such an issue with fresh installs now-a-days. Sometimes I reinstall if i'm really bored.

idle its 27 degrees
Well that isn't bad for idle, I would keep Hardware Monitor running in the background while playing a game and see what it tops out at when the stuttering starts. If the temps don't end up being the issue, then I would start looking at your hard drives. You could be on the verge of failure and that would definitely cause issues while doing anything on the computer.

i was going to try installing on the other hard drive to see if it fixed anything. not surprised the hdd might be failing. almost 4 years old. the stuttering seems to have stopped for the most part. i didn't really do anything other than reset the bios to defaults.
Interesting. If things do seem better, then that's great. I would still consider an SSD because they make a HUGE difference in performance and the prices have gotten a lot more reasonable over the years. I hope that resetting the BIOS fixes you so that you don't HAVE to spend money.

an ssd is the goal in the near future. atleast i have a back up now thanks fro suggestions.