My new CPU heatsink has a 3 pin plug that doesnt fit anywhere on my motherboard


Feb 5, 2016
I went out today and bought a new small sized heatsink because my CPU was overheating.
It is the perfect size and is compatible with my mobo, except the current heatsink I am using has a 5 pin plug, but the newer one has a 3 pin plug.

I asked a guy at Fry's Electronics and he said I would need to solder the wires ( I didn't get much information and I didn't completely understand )

I have a Dell optiplex 790 with an intel core i5-2400 quad core @ 3.10ghz, my mobo's serial number is 0hy9jp

Someone please shed some light on this! I know its compatible I just don't know what to do with the different wires

Below are some pictures of the new heatsink and the difference between the wires
You have a proprietary or server motherboard, and that CPU fan header is not standard. No aftermarket coolers are going to work correctly with that motherboard. It's likely a proprietary design or a server motherboard. This thread should offer some insights. There may be an adapter available, but I wouldn't count on it as a certainty. All modern consumer coolers are going to be four pin PWM with a very few 3 pin cheapo models still out there.

the link you sent me says that you can plug in a 3 pin into a 5 pin connector?
i am very confused this doesnt give me much information.
What kind of fan should i look for / ask for if i am looking to get a new one?


So in this post youre telling me it would not work, but the link you sent me says you can plug a 3 pin into the 5 pin connector

Read the whole thread.
Last night I moved the correct pins from my 3 pin fan to my 5 pin plug and it didn't work for some reason. When I hooked the same wires up to a 12v battery charger it started moving the fan, I'll try the same with my new 4 pin fan tonight and let you know if it works
Thank you all for the answers, but I ended up getting a pretty good fan and heat sink, soldered the wires into a 5 pin connector and got it running.

Only thing is my computer won't boot now, I had to take the motherboard out to place brackets for heatsink so I can't help but to think I did something.

All fans come on in PC, as well as the blue light on the power button, but the monitor stays without a signal

Also I hear no beeping or sounds like I normally hear at boot up.

Any suggestions? Tomorrow I am going to get a new processor in hopes that will do something
No, almost certainly it's because the system is not seeing the tach signal from the CPU fan. Many systems will not boot if the motherboard does not see the tach signal. Or, it COULD be something else. Connecting the fan with the wiring incorrectly positioned could possibly have done something to the motherboard or CPU. It's very unlikely for the CPU to be at fault unless you physically damaged it in some way, by either bending a pin when taking it out or putting it in, or allowing the CPU to exceed it's thermal range for a long period of time, or repeatedly for short periods of time.

If there is something backwards with the fan wiring, even though the fan is running, it could also create a condition that does not allow normal operation. It's very hard to way with situations like this which is way I never advise people to start trying to hack proprietary or dissimilar electronics to something not meant for it unless you're very familiar with electronics and are willing to deal with any consequences. Hopefully nothing serious is damaged but I think I'd start by getting a fan that was intended for use with the type of fan header on your motherboard, or a different motherboard and put your fan back the way it came from the vendor. I guess that's all up to you. Good luck either way.

THANK YOU OH SO VERY MUCH!!! This was the exact problem, I took the fan out and .plugged the old Dell fan in and sure enough i booted up with no problem.

I would have bought a new CPU and been at a loss if you hadn't send me that suggestion!
I really appreciate you! Today I am buying a new motherboard and case so I don't have to deal with dell's proprietary bs

I sure will! Thank you for your patience with someone rather new to all this stuff