So I got a new hard drive for my old pc to get it working again and some odd issues are happening with it. I have two pc's. With my new pc, I installed windows 10 onto the new hard drive. I took the new hard drive out of my new pc and put it into my old pc to try to get it working again. It says no bootable device detected. I went into the bios and selected this new hard drive as boot sequence #1. I tried putting my current pc's hard drive into the older pc to see if it was any of my older pc's hardware screwing up, but my hard drive loaded to the desktop just fine. After installing windows 10 onto my new hard drive from my new pc, I was able to get to the desktop and do whatever. Only on my new pc though. My old computer simply won't recognize this new hard drive's bootability, but it will boot with my current pc's hard drive. So my question is, why won't my older pc boot from my newer hard drive? It detects it just fine.
To make sure you get everything: My new hard drive and my current hard drive have windows 10 and can boot on my current pc. My older pc can boot from my current hard drive but, not from the newer hard drive. Why? Is the hard drive I bought for my old pc incompatible? Thanks for reading, I look forward to seeing your solutions. If you need any additional information, let me know.
To make sure you get everything: My new hard drive and my current hard drive have windows 10 and can boot on my current pc. My older pc can boot from my current hard drive but, not from the newer hard drive. Why? Is the hard drive I bought for my old pc incompatible? Thanks for reading, I look forward to seeing your solutions. If you need any additional information, let me know.