Question I need advice on settings for my my new monitor ?


Apr 5, 2017
Hey, I bought the Asus TUF VG279QL3A 180 hz 1ms 1080p version I been trying to look for a guide. But I can't find any online for gaming settings, I don't even know if AMD free sync is enabled. Everything is supper bright in vivid but is there a good setting I Can use for say like Diablo 3 in 4 Red and blue stand out the most I have it set to RTS/RPG atm with level 3 shadow boost and ASCR on. Thanks, I need it game ready for tonight. my Gpu is a RX 6600 8 gig
Everything is supper bright in vivid
Try and turn off HDR and see if that helps. As for settings, honestly it will vary from one person to the next. You're advised to tinker with the settings and come to a point that suits your eyes.

my Gpu is a RX 6600 8 gig
What driver version are you on for your GPU?