B Butterallday Reputable Mar 2, 2014 4 0 4,510 Jan 14, 2016 #1 I was building my PC and I plugged in all the wires to my motherboard from my PSU and it my psu doesn't turn on but when I tried turning it on with the paper clip test it did it worked perfectly fine so does anyone know what is causing the problem?
I was building my PC and I plugged in all the wires to my motherboard from my PSU and it my psu doesn't turn on but when I tried turning it on with the paper clip test it did it worked perfectly fine so does anyone know what is causing the problem?
P pug_s Distinguished Mar 26, 2003 521 98 19,140 Jan 14, 2016 #2 What kind of components do you have? Have you connected all the connectors for the F_Panel specifically the power switch? Upvote 0 Downvote
What kind of components do you have? Have you connected all the connectors for the F_Panel specifically the power switch?