MY NVIDIA 610M Suddenly not working properly

Vega Vega

May 9, 2014
Hello Guys ,
so here's the story,a week ago i installed a sofware called bluestack to play android games on my laptop but when i try to open the software,it demands to update my GPU driver so i clicked the option where i update my dricer automaticly anyway and bluestack started to install the gpu,in the installation process the screen turn black and does not have sign of coming back to normal so i force-turn off it by pressing the power button,when i try to boot it again,i realized something is weird,the windows theme turn into low-setting and when i tried to open the games(i open wow in this case) it says something like "WOW was unable to start 3d acceleration,please make sure that directx 90 is updated and your driver is up-to date",other game wont show any error message,i cant even run a low spec game !

system restore doesnt work since the lastest restore point is after i installed my bluestack,already tried touninstall driver using driver sweeper software like 3d guru an install it again but it's still not working

here's some additional information:
when i checking NVIDIA control panel,the prieview section is just blank without showing any prieview

When i checked DX diag:

NVIDIA experience still detect my GPU:

NVIDIA GE Force properties:

also my device manager detect my gpu,i cant even find the problem,please help. . .
Its better to install windows again. yes, you do need a key to install windows to make it genuine. but as your laptop came with a genuine window, they must have given you a CD or something, like backup drive etc to re-install windows again.

n yes, actually its because of the driver sweeper, it uninstalls every single nvidia thing from the laptop, and as your laptop supports optimus technology, the driver no longer detects nvidia gpu n fails everytime. SO a re-install will help you.
Open up Control Panel and then Uninstall a program. See if there is any remnant of the driver left you tried to install in the first place. If it is there, uninstall it, reboot your system, and install the driver for your card again. If this doesn't helps, post back.
Have you tried uninstalling Bluestack or looking for the latest drivers provided from the laptop manufacturer?
Could be that the standard driver package direct from nVidia is not playing nice with Optimus.

It is unfortunate that you do not have a restore point from before you installed Bluestack, but any restore point before you switched the drivers should still be working fine.

It is not necessarily all bad though, you might better off using the HD 4000 instead of the 610M.
Based on the information I can locate, the 610M performs about the same to a little slower than the HD 4000, while still adding a bit of power draw to the system...

as i stated above,i already uninstall the driver using driver sweeper(basically you delete the drivers,physx and all related folder in your computer)

@outlw6669 already uninstalled bluestack ,the thing that i dont understand is why all of my directx features is unavailable i cant even run a low spec game that doesnt need high gpu,is that mean both of my graphic card has the problems ? the directx features should have work fine with just 1 of them right ? or am i missing something here
Dude, i too owe a laptop with optimus technology. When I used this driver sweeper software, my geforce was gone form the device manager( not the case with you). The only way i could enable it again was to reinstall windows. This only solved my problem. So, instead of figuring out what is wrong, and how could one revive it, just clean install windows and then play HARd.

that's what i have in mind,but my windows is licensed version,so if i reinstall it,will it retain my "licensed version" or i have to buy a new one ?,yes like you my NVIDIA also dissapear from device manager when i uninstall it(well i suppose all laptop/pc are like that)
@plaintuts,yes i already try that many times with many diffrent methods

indeed,they perform almost the same but the problme is why all of my directx features not available,is that means both of my graphic cards are problematic ? or its some kind of driver failure or something ?
Its better to install windows again. yes, you do need a key to install windows to make it genuine. but as your laptop came with a genuine window, they must have given you a CD or something, like backup drive etc to re-install windows again.

n yes, actually its because of the driver sweeper, it uninstalls every single nvidia thing from the laptop, and as your laptop supports optimus technology, the driver no longer detects nvidia gpu n fails everytime. SO a re-install will help you.