My Oculus Rift is on the way.

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So my wonderful wife told me she got an Oculus Rift for one of my Christmas gifts this year. I must say I am very excited. I have tinkered around in VR using my Galaxy Note 5 and the Gear VR attachment. Sadly living in Hawaii with warm weather I could never play a game for more the 30 minutes (usually only 15) before my handset would overheat. In fact I had to replace one handset already playing in VR from the screen melting. I believe the battery leaked damaging the screen over a 24 hour period but I am not totally sure. Regardless I have been hesitant to play much VR on my Note 5 since I had it replaced under warranty.

I know games for VR regardless of the platform are still very tech demo(ish) or very short. My question for those on Toms running a Rift is, "What VR games/apps do you think are must have purchases?" I plan on getting the new motion controllers as well since My Rift came with a 100 dollar gift card as well basically cutting the cost in half. Also is the new room scale for the Rift any good? I am a paraplegic so I will have some extra issues with tripping over wiring being in a wheelchair. Or more accurately running over the wires. Just curious to hear everyone's input.

I am eager to get ARK, Emily wants to play, and Decent Underground. I have played the Herobound series and enjoyed them thoroughly. I am also interested in the EVE titles (already played Gunship for Gear VR and loved it). Let me know what else you think I should take a look at as a VR user. Thanks so much!!!
I would say Elite Dangerous is the VR game for me. Radial-G and Project cars for driving sims are good too. I'm also way into passive VR. especially travel docs.

Room scale is good, but it's not my favorite thing about VR (good for crowds though, especially when you can monitor on a remote screen). For wheelchair accommodations (I have demoed with before), try a large eye-hook suspended from the ceiling to route cabling from a wall hook, with a small counter-weight to draw slack back up.

There's also this approach, depending on your ceilings and space...
I would say Elite Dangerous is the VR game for me. Radial-G and Project cars for driving sims are good too. I'm also way into passive VR. especially travel docs.

Room scale is good, but it's not my favorite thing about VR (good for crowds though, especially when you can monitor on a remote screen). For wheelchair accommodations (I have demoed with before), try a large eye-hook suspended from the ceiling to route cabling from a wall hook, with a small counter-weight to draw slack back up.

There's also this approach, depending on your ceilings and space:

Use a cable shield of some sort to protect the connection to the unit/USB/HDMI.....with extensions, if necessary, to get the length and movement you're looking for.

I took the same deal as you with the $100 gift card and got my Rift last week. My touch controllers won't be here for a couple more days so I have been limited to games that can be played with an Xbox One controller so far.

EVE Valkyrie came free with the Rift. This is a pretty decent experience for a free pack in game. The first thing that I'm going to play when my touch controllers arrive is Superhot VR though. Giant Bomb played it on one of their VR video features and it was the thing that actually convinced me it was time to finally buy a VR headset.

Edit If you want to get straight to the Superhot VR section skip to the 13:14 mark.


Also keep in mind that SteamVR works with the Rift. They have lots of games there that aren't in the Oculus store. I have played a bit of ADR1FT from SteamVR since I got it in a Humble Bundle a while back and I really like it. There isn't much to the gameplay and some people find it boring but I think floating around a damaged space station in an EVA suit is a pretty cool VR experience.
Tilt Brush is a must!!
Emily Wants to Play was a better concept than a game. I say skip on it.

The MUST plays (imo) are,
- Tilt Brush *$30?
- Google Maps for VR. *FREE!
- Rec Room *FREE!

Now for the wheel-chair thing.. Hmmm... what you would need ideally is a non-wheeled swivel chair with a ring around it, so you can turn easily. If you are in a wheel-chair, you will be limited just on the 360 turning since that uses both hands. You want ideally a method to turn with your elbows, and the ring would alleviate getting wrapped up in the cord.

Something like this, but with a chair with a back.

If you padded the ring, again.. you can rotate yourself with your elbows and you won't have to let go of the controllers. It would be comfortable and prevent bruised elbows.

My main tip!!
Do not take VR to bed and hook up Virtual Desktop... because it is SUPER Comfortable, and it makes horror movies awesome!

lastly.. I actually enjoy playing Ascension in VR. Honestly, I can't wait for the full Yugioh Experience. :)
So room scale isn't to rough in a wheelchair. Most of the games are so fast paced it becomes an issue. I just wheel using my wrists/elbows when playing. So far my favorite games have been Arizona Sunshine and Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter...My biggest compliant is I can only game for 2 hours or less before I get sick...either in game or conversely right after I take off the head set. Kind of like getting Land Sick when I was in the navy and had been at sea for awhile. When I'd get on shore my legs/senses would feel wobbly). Regardless this was expected and I am not one to get motion sickness much at all. Which was a curse/blessing in the navy. Because I didn't get sick I had to do everyone else's job because they were lol. Point being, even being resistant to motion sickness...some games give me a go of it regardless. Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions!
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