My passport ultra suddenly stopped showing on my computer


Aug 14, 2014
so that happened two weeks ago, i was using it just fine. Plugged it out then plugged it in but suddenly it didn't show in my computer.

I started looking for a solution but no result.

I'm using a samsung laptop with a windows 8.1 os.

It shows as unknown/not initialized in computer management. And the initialize option is disabled as everything else.

so, is it dead? and can it ever be fixed?
i really don't care about the hard drive i just want my files.
If your data is important the cost is not a problem for you then you have the option to send the drive to a professional recovery service for a possible retrieval of your files. We have tried WeRecoverData before with outstanding results.

woah what a fast reply! thank you.

so even a pro can't fix it?

lol if it's about the money then I have no problem!
and i'm not from the USA so it's quite cheap in my country.
If your data is important the cost is not a problem for you then you have the option to send the drive to a professional recovery service for a possible retrieval of your files. We have tried WeRecoverData before with outstanding results.

Thank you for your help! i think that's the only way.