My PC build (Audio Production/Video/Heavy gaming) -- Suggestions?


Sep 19, 2011
Im building a heavy audio production (priority) .. and video editing(after effects)/gaming pc (at the best settings) that will last me for a while so ill need the ram and storage. This is literally my first build ever so I'm fairly new to this. Any suggestions would be great!

Any suggestions on the case? im having trouble as to what kind of case i should pick out although i really like the one i chose for looks and form... mainly just worried if there wont be enough space or proper cooling..





Aug 5, 2011
That's kind of an unbalanced build...

Get rid of the audio card - you won't notice a difference unless you're using a $350 audio system.

Use 1600mhz memory. 1866mhz won't increase performance and 1600mhz is cheaper.

Make sure you look at the differences between Win7 Ultimate and Win7 Home Premium. There are very few home users that would notice the difference.

Get a name brand PSU like Antec, Corsair, or Seasonic. 1000W is a lot of power and not every company can do it right.

If you ever plan on SLI, get a full tower with good air flow. Two 580's put out a lot of heat.

The biggest glaring oddity is 512GB of SSD. $755 is a big chunk of your budget that you could put toward a second 580 or a motherboard with x16/x16 mode or something. I don't know what your logic is on an SSD that big, but you only need enough space for your OS and your programs. Mass storage will be plenty fast on a 7200RPM magnetic HDD. Get a 120GB/128GB SSD and a good 2TB HDD or put two 1TB HDD in RAID0 if you really think you need that much speed.