So hello! I'm building a new pc. Which i will use mostly for gaming. Tho i maybe will to start making gaming videos and progarmming softwares in the future.At the moment its only gaming. I plan on starting youtube/streaming when some good games come out like Elder Scrolls Online etc.. So this pc wil be used for gaming,video editing, programming and streaming!
I would like to have your opinions on this rig, what should i change what are good for those matters etc.
Does Crosshair Formula-Z have a good bios and good overcloking opportunities? And how much(? GHz) can i OC my FX-8350 with that motherboard and cooling system( Corsair H100i)
Now i have been wondering how big of a PSU should i get for this build!
MotherBoard: Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z
CPU: FX-8350 @ 4.0GHz (Planning to oc this as much as i can!)
CPU cooler: Corsair H100i Extreme
PSU: ??750W??
Case: Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced ATX
RAM:Corsair 16GB(8GBx2) Vengeance Pro DDR3 1600MHz
Storage: 3TB Seagate barracuda Sata 3.5" Maybe another one of these!
Storage: 60GB OCZ Agility (From my old PC)
GPU:R9 290 (no x)
So im planning to OC both CPU and GPU, also if im someday rich i could buy another R9 290 and crossfire it! So in the end if i buy another GPU i would have 2x OC'd R9 290 and OC'd FX-8350 allmost as much as i can with a H100i cooler!
Also what do you think about the R9 290/R9 290's temperature and overheating? Shoud i wait for till the branders or what the h*ll they are called make a better cooling models for the GPU? I heard some where that R9 290 has very bad base cooler, So what is your recommadion if i should wait or not for better models for R9 290 crossfire?
I will use about 1500$ for this pc. More ofc if i buy the additional storage and another GPU for more power.
So basically the questions are these following:
How much do power do i need for these?
Should i wait for better cooling models on the GPU
Do these all parts fit together and in that motherboard and case(yes im a noob lol.)
All comments,thoughts,opinions and advices will be appreacited ALOT!!
I'm sorry if someone found my English lacking in some parts, since my native language isn't English.
I would like to have your opinions on this rig, what should i change what are good for those matters etc.
Does Crosshair Formula-Z have a good bios and good overcloking opportunities? And how much(? GHz) can i OC my FX-8350 with that motherboard and cooling system( Corsair H100i)
Now i have been wondering how big of a PSU should i get for this build!
MotherBoard: Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z
CPU: FX-8350 @ 4.0GHz (Planning to oc this as much as i can!)
CPU cooler: Corsair H100i Extreme
PSU: ??750W??
Case: Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced ATX
RAM:Corsair 16GB(8GBx2) Vengeance Pro DDR3 1600MHz
Storage: 3TB Seagate barracuda Sata 3.5" Maybe another one of these!
Storage: 60GB OCZ Agility (From my old PC)
GPU:R9 290 (no x)
So im planning to OC both CPU and GPU, also if im someday rich i could buy another R9 290 and crossfire it! So in the end if i buy another GPU i would have 2x OC'd R9 290 and OC'd FX-8350 allmost as much as i can with a H100i cooler!
Also what do you think about the R9 290/R9 290's temperature and overheating? Shoud i wait for till the branders or what the h*ll they are called make a better cooling models for the GPU? I heard some where that R9 290 has very bad base cooler, So what is your recommadion if i should wait or not for better models for R9 290 crossfire?
I will use about 1500$ for this pc. More ofc if i buy the additional storage and another GPU for more power.
So basically the questions are these following:
How much do power do i need for these?
Should i wait for better cooling models on the GPU
Do these all parts fit together and in that motherboard and case(yes im a noob lol.)
All comments,thoughts,opinions and advices will be appreacited ALOT!!
I'm sorry if someone found my English lacking in some parts, since my native language isn't English.