My PC build (Main for gaming, little bit of programming and video editing)


Nov 5, 2013
So hello! I'm building a new pc. Which i will use mostly for gaming. Tho i maybe will to start making gaming videos and progarmming softwares in the future.At the moment its only gaming. I plan on starting youtube/streaming when some good games come out like Elder Scrolls Online etc.. So this pc wil be used for gaming,video editing, programming and streaming!

I would like to have your opinions on this rig, what should i change what are good for those matters etc.

Does Crosshair Formula-Z have a good bios and good overcloking opportunities? And how much(? GHz) can i OC my FX-8350 with that motherboard and cooling system( Corsair H100i)

Now i have been wondering how big of a PSU should i get for this build!

MotherBoard: Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z
CPU: FX-8350 @ 4.0GHz (Planning to oc this as much as i can!)
CPU cooler: Corsair H100i Extreme
PSU: ??750W??
Case: Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced ATX
RAM:Corsair 16GB(8GBx2) Vengeance Pro DDR3 1600MHz
Storage: 3TB Seagate barracuda Sata 3.5" Maybe another one of these!
Storage: 60GB OCZ Agility (From my old PC)
GPU:R9 290 (no x)

So im planning to OC both CPU and GPU, also if im someday rich i could buy another R9 290 and crossfire it! So in the end if i buy another GPU i would have 2x OC'd R9 290 and OC'd FX-8350 allmost as much as i can with a H100i cooler!
Also what do you think about the R9 290/R9 290's temperature and overheating? Shoud i wait for till the branders or what the h*ll they are called make a better cooling models for the GPU? I heard some where that R9 290 has very bad base cooler, So what is your recommadion if i should wait or not for better models for R9 290 crossfire?

I will use about 1500$ for this pc. More ofc if i buy the additional storage and another GPU for more power.

So basically the questions are these following:
How much do power do i need for these?
Should i wait for better cooling models on the GPU
Do these all parts fit together and in that motherboard and case(yes im a noob lol.)

All comments,thoughts,opinions and advices will be appreacited ALOT!!

I'm sorry if someone found my English lacking in some parts, since my native language isn't English.
for gaming an overclocked 8350 probably wouldnt give you as much performance as you would imagine. an i5 for gaming is better than an 8350. And the i7 is pretty much equal to an i5. But if your gonna be streaming and video editing the i7 is gonna benefit you more.
The 8350 for programming/streaming might fare better than the i5 (not totally sure) but not for gaming.
i5- 4670k. Make sure you get a z87 motherboard so you can overclock. something like an Asus Z87-A.

Here's a simple build i made

There's still some budget room to add/modify some stuff. Like a better mobo or you can switch the 4670k for an i7-4770K. The i7 will benefit you in video editing and programming and still comes under your $1500 budget.