My pc cant find the device.

Gabi Cservid

Oct 2, 2013
I plugged my headset in the usb port but the installation is unsuccesful.I tried it in every port, I uninstalled the deviceses still no succes.Anyone tips?
So, i run the setup and right after it, it says"Connect your Genesis headset driver" i connect it but it won't start.
After it i get this error "one of the usb devices attached to this computer has malfuctioned".But this appears on every single port, and, for example a simple pendrive works.

asrock n68-vs3 fx bought the parts 2 years ago in a shop and the guys there built it, until now had no problems with stuff like this, and i have windows 7 64bit

this is what i got here, i don't know why the audio device isn't plugged in.

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