My PC case has got a dent


Apr 18, 2015
So i moved to a new house and i wasn't careful enough, so when i looked at my pc at the new house i noticed it has a dent on the right side panel. It isn't really notorious, to be honest it's kind of hard to see, but from some angles you can actually see that there is a dent there. It's not really deep, as i said, you can barely see it, it's rather superficial. The problem is that it sort of ruins the beauty of my pc, does anyone know any methods to bend the metal to make it flat again? My case a the Corsair Carbide 100R if that helps.
Put a towel on each side and put it between two flat surfaces large enough for the case panel and use a jack to press it flat again. This will only work if it is a large flat piece of the case. You could always mod the flat surfaces you press it with to account for parts that are not supposed to be perfectly flat.
Put a towel on each side and put it between two flat surfaces large enough for the case panel and use a jack to press it flat again. This will only work if it is a large flat piece of the case. You could always mod the flat surfaces you press it with to account for parts that are not supposed to be perfectly flat.
ummm put something heavy on the side for like a few days or a week it might bend it back to flat. make sure to put it on a flat surface and put something really heavy on it. put like some paper or plastic over the panel to make sure it doesn't get scratched

the case has a window side pannel, is that a problem?

PICTURES. Without that, this is all speculation.

wait so the acrylic is bent?

I don't have any cameras right now. I only have my phone camera, but it's so bad you literally wouldn't even notice the dent.

No, the metal that is next to the acrylic (2cm distance).


Will try

It depends on how flush it is to the metal. Acrylic is fairly hardy stuff so as long as everything is flush I would think it should be just fine.. It is too bad you can't get pics cause that would make it so much easier to know for sure.