My PC Crashes Randomly....


Jun 10, 2011
My windows 7 pc crashes randomly, when it crashes i can't use the mouse or keyboard... i have to simply force restart my pc... i'm on win 7 sp1 ultimate... i have i5 2500k processor, asus p8h67 m evo mobo, corsair 4gb ram, 1tb hardrive... i tried reinstalling the os but didnt help....
Windows has bad behavior. Try getting a new SSD and installing windows there. If all fails, buy new computer parts.

There is also the small posibility that your windows is corrupted, get a friends copy

You can always swith to Apple computers too

dont feed the Itroll/Isheep he has only been fed apple propaganda from birth from lord jobs his master has died and now he is a little lost Isheep, i would consider the psu as the most likely suspect if its not a reputable one if its not software

Please have a look at my temperature log: [cpp][/cpp]

How can u tell that i have to replace my ram?

I have an seasonic sII 620w PSU can that be wrong?
Any advice on a Bluescreen that happens during regular computer operation? Win 7 loaded (toshiba satelite here) - i'd be online wifi just on facebook and using Itunes to listen to some music (albeit via a passport drive - I hate those new chords and drives - some of them break with a touch or a simple move, portable yeah right - and both my chords must be shot - I heard those new connections really suck - cause both my drives connect and disconnect every 2 minutes or so - no matter if its the USB 3.0 or the other hubs - on the motherboard or otherwise. I thought blue screens mostly happend during (or in) the boot stage (or sector)?? or atleast while loading windows - not during normal - seemingly fine operationg - with no background programs taxing the memory or CPU - plugged in - not overheating. So strange.