My PC (Desktop) always showing overheated

Mar 9, 2018
Just after starting the PC, it's getting overheated. If I try to run a game or heavy software the computer is shutting down automatically. I have AMD Fx4100 processors with Gigabyte Motherboard. So what are possible reasons behind this overheat?


1. Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2
2. Normal room temp, around 30 deg Celsius
3. Yes recently checked with HWMonitor and AMD Overdrive
4. Default cooler supplied with the processor.

Actually everything was working fine since last 2 years. The problem started recently.
Do you try to reapply the thermal compound yet? You should do it usually once every few years.

I don't know what case you had, just make the case has good air flow, like in the link: