Just after starting the PC, it's getting overheated. If I try to run a game or heavy software the computer is shutting down automatically. I have AMD Fx4100 processors with Gigabyte Motherboard. So what are possible reasons behind this overheat?
1) What MB did you have?
2) What is your room temp?
3) Do you use any software to monitor the temp?
4) What cooler did you use on fx4100?
1. Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2
2. Normal room temp, around 30 deg Celsius
3. Yes recently checked with HWMonitor and AMD Overdrive
4. Default cooler supplied with the processor.
Actually everything was working fine since last 2 years. The problem started recently.
Do you try to reapply the thermal compound yet? You should do it usually once every few years.
I don't know what case you had, just make the case has good air flow, like in the link: https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/attachments/upload_2016-1-18_13-56-17-png.71169/