My pc fans are really loud

Nov 14, 2018
So ever since I got my new pc (mid april 2018) it has been really loud. It sounds like an engine is running, and I can´t quite know wich fan it is and how to reduce the noise. I have a cooler master masterbox lite 5 Black panel, two cooler master SickleFlow 120mm LEDN and as CPU cooler I have the Arctic Alpine 11 GT Rev2. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
depending on your motherboard there is a utility in bios that will allow you to adjust system fan speeds. restart your PC as you do tap the DEL key repeatedly until you get into BIOS. in bios you will be able to set your fans to a silenced or balanced profile, sounds like they are set to 100%. save changes and exit
How are the fans connected? The Cooler Master SickleFlow 120 2000 RPM LED are 3-pin non-PWM fans. You will not be able to control their fan speeds via the motherboard fan headers. The case doesn't appear to have a fan speed controller. If the fans are running at full speed, then they are probably loud. I suggest looking into 4-pin PWM fans.

So I can't do anything besides going to my BIOS and changing the speed of the fans?

But won´t that affect the temperature of my pc?