my pc freeze after i install my new gpu

panos theodorakis

Mar 5, 2014
hi i just took my new gpu gigabyte geforce gtx 750 ti and i install it to my pc i turn it on but it freez after 1 minute my psu is 550w so is not the problem and 2 weeks as far as now i was using my motherboard gpu http:// before motherboard s gpu i had have a gt 520..when i sold it i reset my bios only god know why and now when i put my new gpu it freeze but if i use my motherboards it starts normally i disable my motherboard s gpu from devise manager but the same plz help quickly

Hi. I would like to know what brand and model number of your PSU is, such as Corsair 650TX.
I have this gpu one week I change and the psu to a ms tech 550w and I install them both to my pc the psu is ok and the gpu is not communicate with mymobo I try it to another pc and is perfect so I dont know the problem I delete all drivers and nothin changed

Hi. You do not have enough Power Supply for that card. 550w is fine, but you only have about 15a on the +12v rail. With that card. I wouldn't run less than 38a on the rail ( to have some headroom ).

It's not the wattage rating of the PSU. That is fine. It is what you have on the +12v Rail that is the problem. You don't have enough there to run that card. I recently saw a cheap 750w PSU that would not have run that card as there was too little on the rail to do so.

Okay. What is your budget? You should be able to get your money back, but not sure about how things work where you are at. I'm thinking your budget will be in Euros, not a problem, just trying to figure out where you may order from.