Question My PC gave me a "ntoskrnl.exe" BSOD when i was starting up Ghost Spectre Windows 11 ?


Jul 4, 2023
I was using a custom os at that time and the OS was Ghost Spectre Windows 11. I was debloating it by using ShutUp10 & Optimizer & Chris Titus's Debloater.

I restarted and i was then playing a game then i went over to ShutUp10 again just to be sure i applied some changes again and restarted once booted i was greeted by a BSOD the stop code was "ntoskrnl.exe" and after that i was anxious ever since i went as far as reinstalling windows but my anxiety keep following me soon after it never bsod'ed after that, but could it be rufus's and ghost spectres fault?

I also recently installed my Windows with rufus and i keep waiting for the bsod to pop up, is rufus completely fine? I debloated my Windows again with a safer option this time by only choosing specific settings. The app i used is WinSlap, Optimizer & Chris Titus's Debloater only on specific safer settings.

I also never got ahold of the dump file i tried opening it on ghost spectre superlite se and it wont open it for some reason this happened 8 days ago should i be concerned?

I have been running memory diagnostics, sfc scannows and dism ever since.

It gave me trust issues.

I reformatted my pc for like 5 attempts because i was really anxious but neither of them got a bsod ever again.

Im in Windows 10 rn with light debloat only WinSlap, Optimizer, The Chris Titus Tweaks Debloater

What really caused this?

Should i clean install again? or did i accidentally deleted system files with shutup10 by debloating a already bloat-free os and messing up ntoskrnl.exe?
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Look in Reliability Monitor/ History and Event Viewer.

Either one or both tools may have captured some specific error codes, warnings, or even informational events that occured just before or at the time of the ntoskrnl.exe related BSODs.

You can click any given entries for more information and details. The information and details may or may not be helpful.