My PC has good specs but my games still run slow


Mar 18, 2017
I recently got the best hardware I could at the moment and the specs aren't bad but my games are quite slow for how well my hardware is. Is there any reason for this?

GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

AMD A4-5300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.5GHz

16Gb RAM

64bit Windows 10
Those don't sound completely unreasonable given the APU - as a CPU, the 5300 is somewhere around the level of an Athlon/Core2 Duo from a decade ago. I'd do some benchmarking first, we need to see something standardized to compare to, really (sounds on the low side for the Forest, but quite reasonable for Rocket League and Rust given how close you are to the minimum CPU specs).

Even for an entry-level, an A4-5300 isn't a solution I'd personally recommend. Probably too late now, but I suspect most of us would have built a very different rig with this budget (GPU is most important, but I would've certainly gone down to a 1050 non-ti and 8 GB of RAM to get above this CPU tier).
It's hard to diagnose without specifics. What games at what settings at what FPS? One person's slow is another person's fine, so a vague adjective isn't going to be that helpful for first even looking if there is a problem. Because looking at the specs, I'd expect there to be significant issues in AAA games considering the very underpowered APU you chose to run the build. But I don't know because you really haven't provided much info to go on.
Did you make adjustments to achieve optimal performance with your hardware? Did you run benchmarks and compare your results with similar systems? What are the results of Furmark at 1280x720, Preset: 720? While running, check the FPS, etc. and report your final results. I expect they should be higher than my 750 Ti even though my CPU is a lot better than yours.
Subnautica on the highest settings is around 30 FPS.

The Forest on the lowest settings is around 20-30.

Rocket league on highest settings are around 30-40.

Rust on the fastest settings is around 10-20.

It's not too bad but I guess I expected better.
Those don't sound completely unreasonable given the APU - as a CPU, the 5300 is somewhere around the level of an Athlon/Core2 Duo from a decade ago. I'd do some benchmarking first, we need to see something standardized to compare to, really (sounds on the low side for the Forest, but quite reasonable for Rocket League and Rust given how close you are to the minimum CPU specs).

Even for an entry-level, an A4-5300 isn't a solution I'd personally recommend. Probably too late now, but I suspect most of us would have built a very different rig with this budget (GPU is most important, but I would've certainly gone down to a 1050 non-ti and 8 GB of RAM to get above this CPU tier).