My PC has no power, could one of the following cause it?


Jan 4, 2010
To make the story short, 3 weeks ago my PC worked fine. Until one day, i got out of bed, switched the power, and it turned on. But I noticed that it didn't last a few seconds it turned off again. Then it automatically turned on. Every 2,3 seconds this happened. Until I decided to plug off the cable and take out bios, GPU and everything else. When put everything back, i noticed that this time my PC wouldn't even have any power. Not even a tick!

I had my friend diagnose it for me and he finally came to a conclusion that the MOBO was dead. I had the MOBO sent to the warranty and after 3 weeks (suck them), it has come back. And my friend told me that it was okay now.

I took it home last night (without testing it when i took it back from my friend, stupid I know) and still could not get any power. I plugged my external HDD and noticed the LED was flashing (which I could not before). But i still did not get any power to turn on the pc. Finally my friend said that my GPU (Inno3D GTX 770) Is the problem. And I am about to check it when i get home tonight.

What seems faulty here do you think?


MOBO: Asrock H87-Pro4
RAM: 8G HyperX Blu Kingston
Graphics: Inno3D GTX 770 ICHILL HERCULEZ x3
PSU: 650w Aigo (Popular chinese brand, i live in china)
Storage: 120G Kinston SSD
CPU: Xeon E3 1230 V3 @3.3Ghz

Need your ideas. Thanks in advance!
If it was me, I would disconnect the ssd, gxf card and try 1 stick of ram in eac slot and see if it starts. It should power up without those components connected but might beep in complaint of missing bits.
If it fires up, turn off, connect gfx card, repeat.
Turn off, connect ssd etc

If it fails to start try a different ram stick in various slots
If it was me, I would disconnect the ssd, gxf card and try 1 stick of ram in eac slot and see if it starts. It should power up without those components connected but might beep in complaint of missing bits.
If it fires up, turn off, connect gfx card, repeat.
Turn off, connect ssd etc

If it fails to start try a different ram stick in various slots