My PC is an absolute mess. HELP NEEDED BADLY.


Jul 26, 2015
Okay so earlier I posted about CRITICAL PROCESS DIED.

But I'm kinda sorta past that stage.

Now I have a copy of Win10 downloaded onto my USB stick (it's legit, I don't do pirated stuff).

When I try to repair/refresh settings, it says 'the disk which has windows is locked' or whatever, you guys know the one. And then when I try to install it instead my SSD just says 'We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one. For more information, see the setup log files.'

I'm getting really confused and upset, as I had work due today and this happened, I've been working at it non stop and I've lost my work.

I've followed loads of guides but nothing seems to be working?

I can't load Windows onto any disk and I can't seem to do anything to get it shifting.

Please help. I'm so lost.
You did not have time to follow the instructions from SR71 Blackboard AND reinstall windows on the SSD.

You need to wipe your partitions on the SSD, preferably setup partitions as GPT and then install windows 10 to it.

Okay I've done that