So many things are going wrong with my PC. I have terrible luck and I need help. My specs: 15-4690k, 1866 Mhz 8GB G skill RAM, EVGA 760 SLI, H100i, ASUS MAXIMUS HERO VII, WD 1TB, 120GB PNY optima, ASUS DVD drive, TP link WNA, AX760 PSU.
To start off I will go ahead and say I have had to reinstall windows, allot! I have used ASUS secure erase, and deleted the partitions when I boot from the Win Install disk. The last time I had to, it wouldn't install on either my SSD or HDD, said could not find or create a partition. Applacations load a different rates each time, and are always slow. Origin is the origin to all my PC problems.
I have attempted to OC allot, not manually but by using EZ tuning wizard and Level UP in the BIOS. I don't know if you can damage something by hitting reset to defaults too many times without restarting but if it could happen I probably have. My RAM and GPUs a few times recently have even ran close to the speed they are suppose to, but if I restart it most of the time fixes it. My temps are awful.
The first time I OCed my CPU was using the Ez tuning wizard. It set it to 4.5, 1.3 something voltage, yes I know that maybe overvolting it but I don't feel comfortable manually OCing. I was getting around 55 on a round of BF4 and I ran intel burn test, it said a minimum of 5 test, so I did and it passed. One of the screws though was like tilted at an angle. I can't explain it because nothing was bent. I reinstalled it again and again but it didn't change til today when I rebuilt the PC all together. I ran prime 95 at stock a few minutes ago and I made it stop once it got to 85C.
I need help! All of this started because Origin wanted to do what the f*** ever it wanted. I can't afford to do anything about this. Don't kick a guy when he's pissed off. Please ask for any informantion you need.
To start off I will go ahead and say I have had to reinstall windows, allot! I have used ASUS secure erase, and deleted the partitions when I boot from the Win Install disk. The last time I had to, it wouldn't install on either my SSD or HDD, said could not find or create a partition. Applacations load a different rates each time, and are always slow. Origin is the origin to all my PC problems.
I have attempted to OC allot, not manually but by using EZ tuning wizard and Level UP in the BIOS. I don't know if you can damage something by hitting reset to defaults too many times without restarting but if it could happen I probably have. My RAM and GPUs a few times recently have even ran close to the speed they are suppose to, but if I restart it most of the time fixes it. My temps are awful.
The first time I OCed my CPU was using the Ez tuning wizard. It set it to 4.5, 1.3 something voltage, yes I know that maybe overvolting it but I don't feel comfortable manually OCing. I was getting around 55 on a round of BF4 and I ran intel burn test, it said a minimum of 5 test, so I did and it passed. One of the screws though was like tilted at an angle. I can't explain it because nothing was bent. I reinstalled it again and again but it didn't change til today when I rebuilt the PC all together. I ran prime 95 at stock a few minutes ago and I made it stop once it got to 85C.
I need help! All of this started because Origin wanted to do what the f*** ever it wanted. I can't afford to do anything about this. Don't kick a guy when he's pissed off. Please ask for any informantion you need.