My PC is Broken Please Help


Jun 27, 2014
So many things are going wrong with my PC. I have terrible luck and I need help. My specs: 15-4690k, 1866 Mhz 8GB G skill RAM, EVGA 760 SLI, H100i, ASUS MAXIMUS HERO VII, WD 1TB, 120GB PNY optima, ASUS DVD drive, TP link WNA, AX760 PSU.

To start off I will go ahead and say I have had to reinstall windows, allot! I have used ASUS secure erase, and deleted the partitions when I boot from the Win Install disk. The last time I had to, it wouldn't install on either my SSD or HDD, said could not find or create a partition. Applacations load a different rates each time, and are always slow. Origin is the origin to all my PC problems.

I have attempted to OC allot, not manually but by using EZ tuning wizard and Level UP in the BIOS. I don't know if you can damage something by hitting reset to defaults too many times without restarting but if it could happen I probably have. My RAM and GPUs a few times recently have even ran close to the speed they are suppose to, but if I restart it most of the time fixes it. My temps are awful.

The first time I OCed my CPU was using the Ez tuning wizard. It set it to 4.5, 1.3 something voltage, yes I know that maybe overvolting it but I don't feel comfortable manually OCing. I was getting around 55 on a round of BF4 and I ran intel burn test, it said a minimum of 5 test, so I did and it passed. One of the screws though was like tilted at an angle. I can't explain it because nothing was bent. I reinstalled it again and again but it didn't change til today when I rebuilt the PC all together. I ran prime 95 at stock a few minutes ago and I made it stop once it got to 85C.

I need help! All of this started because Origin wanted to do what the f*** ever it wanted. I can't afford to do anything about this. Don't kick a guy when he's pissed off. Please ask for any informantion you need.
My suggestion is to get a Linux Live Disk/USB, and do a wipe WITH THAT to FAT32. THEN use the Windows CD/USB. If that does not fix the problem I would suspect hardware. What case do you have and what cooler is on the GPU. It could simply be that your components aren't getting enough cool air to them.
Please elaborate on your first suggestion. I know they are getting enough air. I have monitored them before and usually if I restart it will be fine. What hardware specifically d9 you think is the problem? Motherboard?

I got a i54690k asus maximus vii hero ax 760
" My temps are awful. "

This seems like it could possibly be the culprit. What is your cooler and what are your temps? If you change out motherboards you will obviously have to reinstall the cpu, if it does run better you won't know if it was the motherboard or that the cpu cooler was not seated properly. I have had bad numbers when it was just a hot cpu.

Good luck

I know it's not a hot cpu. My Temps were good at first but after OCing and using that stupid level up function my Temps have been awful I know that before I used level up in the BIOS I was getting mid 40s to low 40s now I get like 55 avg at stock. I have reinstalled the h100i multiple times and it doesn't make a difference even though the last time I did the screw faces were all looking in the same direction.
It could be that you have mounted your CPU cooler wrong. Do it again, but clean off the old Thermal Paste with isopropyl alcohol and a lint free cloth and apply a rice sized amount down the CPU. Mount the cooler, and the pressure will spread it out. Too much Thermal paste can actually ruin temperatures.