my pc is making noises


Aug 5, 2015
my pc is making noises i removed the gpu still noises maybe cpu fan? psu? or hdd? i dont want to remove cpu if posible how to test other components like psu or hdd? gpu fine its like a buzing sound every half a second heeeelp i was on vacation came back and its making these sound i love my pc save it!
ps didnt fully start it was scared only got to windows login screen
Then it could have been either a cable was brushing up against a fan, or the mobo beeping because it was missing a power input. Adjusting the cables could easily correct either issue. Make sure all the power is snugly fit in the sockets and clear of moving parts.
they where tight i fixed it by just moving some cables that where near cpu and one lost psu cable that was aperently on my motherboard 0.0 well its fixed booted fine no weird sounds puted back gpu working also ahhh didnt even need to remove cpu fan which is pain in the *** delete tread if needed
Then it could have been either a cable was brushing up against a fan, or the mobo beeping because it was missing a power input. Adjusting the cables could easily correct either issue. Make sure all the power is snugly fit in the sockets and clear of moving parts.