My pc is no longer booting up


Nov 29, 2014
I have recently had a psu explosion and since I have brought a new motherboard, gpu and psu but my pc is not booting up now I'm unsure why I have tried the paper clip test and psu of fine but it doesn't boot up I have no sound in side to hear beeps,

Corsair cx750
1tb hd
8gb corsair ram
Mobo h81m-h

Pls help me 🙁

Thanks in advance!
Hard to know from what you have said. Check and double check cables. The fact that you have no beeps and a new MB tells me that the cables aren't connected correctly.

If you are confident the cables are correct, unfortunately the only way to know for sure what is causing the problem is to do what mrgnex said and swap out parts for known working parts. From what you have described, next step should be CPU if everything else is confirmed new or working.

ok I apologise for eating you time, I am a complete idiot I have cleaned the cmos battery and cpu rewired it all and it works, now I need to figure out how to boot it up to run 😵 haha thanks guys!