Question My PC is severely under preforming

Mar 19, 2019
about a month to two months ago i was able to play my games fine, but after recently getting an ssd my performance has been less than great. i have trouble with almost all titles i play except for games you could run on a toaster. I have 12 gigs of ddr3 ram at 1333, an i7 4770, and a gtx 980. like i said previously, i was able to run games very well, and one example was rainbow six siege. before getting the ssd and installing it on there, i was able to hit 80 - 90 fps on high settings 1080p with no problem. now i cant stick 60 on the main menu with the lowest settings. I'm still at 1080p, but i've lowered my resolution scaling to 25 in hopes that it would help. I have been searching for a fix for this for a long time, but i am turning to forums because I'm completely stuck. I've reinstalled windows, reinstalled my games, optimized Nvidia, taken my parts out and put them back in, v-sync is not on i know that for sure, my clock speeds are still the same in fact i over-clocked my card to 1366 MHz for my gpu clock and 3601 MHz for my memory clock. I've tried undoing and redoing my over-clocks and neither has had any effect. plz help.
Now this is a super simple solution, but i ask it out of a process of elimination mindset. Have you tried leaving your OS on the new ssd, but installing and playing your games from a secondary HDD, to see if that helps?
Now this is a super simple solution, but i ask it out of a process of elimination mindset. Have you tried leaving your OS on the new ssd, but installing and playing your games from a secondary HDD, to see if that helps?
yes, and that didnt help either. ive reinstalled r6s multiple times on different drives and it hasnt helped at all.
yes, and that didnt help either. ive reinstalled r6s multiple times on different drives and it hasnt helped at all.

Okay and if you revert back to OS and games on hard drive only, does it start working again? Because if so, without physically looking at and diagnosing it, that would sound like the SSD might have a fault. There shouldn't be an issue like that by simply swapping in an SSD. I'm not all knowledgeable though, so id recommend waiting on one of the slightly more knowledgeable members/mods to input on this. Disk drives aren't my most known about subject :/ They might know something i'm not thinking of. Hopefully you get it figured out, and i'm sorry i couldn't really help.
well i will try booting with my old drive but i would need to put the os back on that drive. i feel like that would be a bit of a lengthy process and kind of a pain in the ass so i would at the very least like to know that the ssd being the boot drive is the specific problem before hand. and even if you didnt manage to help, i still appreciate the attempt.
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well i will try booting with my old drive but i would need to put the os back on that drive. i feel like that would be a bit of a lengthy process and kind of a pain in the ass so i would at the very least like to know that the ssd being the boot drive is the specific problem before hand. and even if you didnt manage to help, i still appreciate the attempt.
no problem. i try my best to help if i can