about a month to two months ago i was able to play my games fine, but after recently getting an ssd my performance has been less than great. i have trouble with almost all titles i play except for games you could run on a toaster. I have 12 gigs of ddr3 ram at 1333, an i7 4770, and a gtx 980. like i said previously, i was able to run games very well, and one example was rainbow six siege. before getting the ssd and installing it on there, i was able to hit 80 - 90 fps on high settings 1080p with no problem. now i cant stick 60 on the main menu with the lowest settings. I'm still at 1080p, but i've lowered my resolution scaling to 25 in hopes that it would help. I have been searching for a fix for this for a long time, but i am turning to forums because I'm completely stuck. I've reinstalled windows, reinstalled my games, optimized Nvidia, taken my parts out and put them back in, v-sync is not on i know that for sure, my clock speeds are still the same in fact i over-clocked my card to 1366 MHz for my gpu clock and 3601 MHz for my memory clock. I've tried undoing and redoing my over-clocks and neither has had any effect. plz help.