My pc isn't as good as it should be


Dec 21, 2017
I got this pc
and changed the psu to corsair 450cx bronze power supply
added gtx 1050
and as i watch tests with the same specs mine isin't even close to their fps while playing on lower graphics i don't know if that is the cause but i use a vga to hdmi adapter beacuse my monitor doesn't support hdmi and i'm not sure if that's the cause but i don't want to put more money to dirt

What games are you playing? The 7650K isn't all that great when it comes to gaming due to it's lower single threaded score, but it's not terrible. CPU usage at idle? garbage running in the background?
If you can, return it and get AMD Ryzen or Intel system even you have to wait to save more money. The system that you got is not really design for gaming. AMD old CPU has poor design but their new CPU Ryzen is much better.

Can't refund it too late and im playing games like gta v, fortnite, h1z1 i see people with same specs performing a lot better than mine's
cpu is like on 90-100% while playing those games but for example when i play less demanding games its like 30-50%

edit: no garbage in background


can't refund it
I go to youtube and type in 7650K GTX1050 and this is one of the games show up. Do the same setup like this person and if the fps is comparable then there is nothing wrong with the system. You may expect more but it is just the CPU is not that good.

Fortnite Battle Royale - A8 7650K/GTX 1050 - 1080P All Settings[/quotemsg]

I get kinda same fps in fortnite but as u loom on to his channel with gta v test he gets 50/60fps on ultra in single player when i get 30/40 on medium/high and im not recording and he is

You have mention at the beginning about your possible problem is VGA to HDMI adapter. I don't know since I am not expert about it. I assume the following of your GPU and monitor.
GTX1050 output - Display Port (DP), HDMI, DVI ?
Your Monitor input - VGA, No HDMI. Does it have DVI?
Does both have DVI???


No only the graphic card has dvi my monitor only takes vga
And i use some Chinese cheap adapter
1. Can you borrow someone's monitor with output of VGA, DP or HDMI to test? If not, can you take your PC to your friends place to test with their monitor?

2. How is temp of your CPU and GPU when you play games? If high temp issue, it will cause CPU or GPU throttle back and your fps will drop every time temp run high. I am just throw idea out.

I am not expert here. I just know how to build computer that's all.

50° on both


I tasted it with my tv which has hdmi and there was a bit difference but not too big
I hope someone in this forum will give you better suggestion since I don't know what else is wrong. I think you should wait for more suggestion or you could start a new topic again to get other input first.

You keep this suggestion as last option to try if your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction..
1. I assume you already activated Window 10 on this computer.
2. Backup all important document or file that you think it is important and can not lose them
3. Do a fresh Window 10 install and do window update
4. Download Nvidia driver for GTX1050


I'm not seeing this as an option cuz my internet is really slow and consider downloading games lke gta v with 300kb internet speed