My PC keeps chrashing


Aug 26, 2015
My PC keeps chrashing, but only when I do something in windowed mode, never when I do something in fullscreen. Solutions? I have tried reinstalling Windows, so I dont know what it is.

Use a different Windows installer and try again, I recommend getting one from the different source from your current one

Stress test may not help, due to the fact that stress test=heaviest possible burden=potential control loss with OS

Well my CPU is old but has never been OC nor has it struggled before.

My GPU is new from april

My ram could be the problem, but wouldnt this make my PC chrash in fullscreen aswell?

Do you recomend any programms fro stresstesting?


In this case you should make it crash again, usually there is an error code. Copy the code (or film the monitor furing the crash) and post it, so I can help
A bit of additional info: I tried to make it chrash again to record but I couldnt. But after I just looked at the settings and a bit on the internet it chrashed, but this time it automaticly rebooted, wich is something new.